DLRC Philosophy and Pedagogy
What is our Education Philosophy?
DLRC’s education philosophy is summed up in the following five statements:
Students need to be active participants in learning
Students need timely feedback to stay motivated and to improve
Parents need to be active participants in their children’s learning
Learning is a physiological activity involving the whole body
Facilitators need to be active learners, constantly upgrading their knowledge and skills
What is our Pedagogy?
Pedagogy refers to the strategies we use to achieve the learning goals. These strategies include learning activities both in and outside the classroom. DLRC's pedagogy includes:
Equal emphasis on the Head, Heart and Hands
Inquiry and project-based learning
Learning approached with abundance
Small classes & student-to-teacher ratio of 12:1
Effective work habits (howls)
A balance between experiential and theory
Near to far (concrete to abstract)
Living by nature - through immersion and curiosity
​What is “Syllabus”?
Syllabus: A syllabus is a guide to a course and what will be expected of the learner in the course. Generally it includes course policies, rules and regulations, required texts, and a schedule of assignments. At DLRC our approach to syllabi is the following:
From K-8, we follow some guidelines from the Cambridge Learning Outcomes in English, Science & Mathematics but use a variety of textbooks after a careful study of what works best. In other subjects - Hindi, SST, Sports, Form Drawing & Design Lab - we have devised our own spiral syllabi and learning outcomes that align with our philosophy.
In High School (G09 through G12), we follow the Cambridge IGCSE and AS/A Level syllabus (for the chosen subjects).
What is our Curriculum?
Curriculum: Theoretically, curriculum refers to what is offered by an educational institution as a complete program. It contains the teaching methods, lessons, assignments, physical and mental exercises, activities, projects, study material, tutorials, presentations, assessments, learning objectives, and so on. Hence, Curriculum is the combination of the syllabus, the pedagogy and the assessments. It is also a loop system that helps to connect the results of assessments to new learning.
Pedagogy + Syllabus + Assessment = Curriculum
Facilitators create the curriculum each year by incorporating innovative teaching and learning practices. There is ample flexibility and space for each facilitator to implement new ideas.